
    1. Introduction

    1. Resources

    1. What Are You Carrying For Your Parents?

    1. What's Unresolved?

    1. Gifts From Your Parents

    1. Final Thoughts

Through particular exercises and movements you will learn how to relate to your parents and the past in a new way

  • $25.00
  • 6 lessons

WIlliam Mannle

Bill Mannle, LMFT is a Gestalt and Marriage & Family Therapist in private practice in Connecticut, USA. He has been involved with Family Constellations since 2003. As an international trainer and facilitator Bill has conducted seminars in Connecticut, New York, California, Hawaii, Germany, Denmark, Australia, Mexico, Spain, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Croatia and China.   Interested in Constellation’s ever-expanding form, he is exploring its deeper spiritual, heart opening nature, and the affects along the path.